Spring cleaning tips!

Spring cleaning tips!

It’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning. I can see it in the air, and I know that you can too. You probably have that feeling of wanting to get rid of all the clutter in your home or office and have a fresh start, especially if you are thinking of moving in the near future. Whether you need some tips on how to do an effective spring cleaning or just want inspiration, here are some things you should know:

Declutter your wardrobe

  • Get rid of clothes you don't wear anymore.
  • Organise your wardrobe by colour, season, and style. If you struggle for storage hanging space, using the vacuum bags and changing your clothes out every six months between winter and summer clothes means you can store only what you need right now in your small space. The other clothes can be in these bags in the loft or under the bed.
  • Use a wardrobe organising system to keep it organised and easy to use.
  • Don't forget about shoes, purses and accessories-they can all be stored in your walk-in wardrobe too!

Clean out your food cupboards!

  • Check expiration dates on packaged foods, and get rid of anything that's past its prime. You can also use the sniff test: if it smells bad or has mould growing on it, throw it out!
  • Clean out the shelves with a wet cloth and vinegar solution (1 part vinegar to 1 part water) to remove any dust or dirt buildup from years of storage in this area.
  • Put away any items you want to keep; for example, keep flour and sugar together so you don't have to hunt for them when baking - and then organise what's left according to how often they're used.

Get rid of old papers.

  • Organise your papers or use a shredder to dispose of them.
  • Scan important documents, such as birth certificates and marriage licenses. This is a great way to keep things organised and safe. It will save time and energy later on when you need those documents again.
  • Take pictures of other important things like passports; they'll be handy if anything happens when you are abroad.

Clean out the medicine cabinet.

  • Throw out expired medications. If you're like most people, there is probably some old stuff in there that should be tossed.
  • Clean the medicine cabinet and shelves. Give everything a good scrub with soap and water or an all-purpose cleaner and then let it air dry completely before putting it back in place.
  • Organise the medicine cabinet so that things are easy to find when you need them (and not just a jumbled mess). You can use labels or colour code items according to category (i.e., cold & flu remedies on one shelf, pain relievers on another). If you have a lot of medication to organize, consider using an over-the-door organiser.

Donate old clothes that don't fit you anymore.

If you have clothes that don't fit you anymore, consider donating them.

There are many options for donating your old clothes:

  • Donate to charity. There are many charities that accept clothing donations. Some will come to pick up your donations and others will ask that you drop them off at a specific location.

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be a chore!

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, it can actually be a fun family activity that helps you get ready for the spring and get rid of old clutter in your home.

Spring cleaning is also the perfect time to start fresh with some new decorating ideas!

Clean the front door

The front door is one of the first things people see when they come to visit, so it's important that yours looks its best. This can be done by cleaning all of these things:

  • The glass in your front door
  • The frame around your front door window or panels (if applicable)
  • The handle on your entranceway and any other hardware pieces attached to it

It might also be a good idea to wipe down any stickers or decals that are stuck onto those surfaces as well, if there are any visible dirt marks underneath them.

Clean the windows

To clean your windows, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto your windows, then use a squeegee to remove excess water from the surface of the glass. Use a lint-free cloth to dry off any remaining moisture on top of the window panes before moving on to cleaning screens.

Shower curtains and linens

If you have a shower curtain, it's time to wash it. Wash all linens and towels in your home as well.

You should also wash all bedding: comforters and duvets are particularly important because they collect dust mites over time that could make someone sick if left untreated; pillows are also high on the list because their insides tend to get dirty due to sweat from our heads resting against them every night during sleep.

Spring cleaning is a great way to start the new season. You'll feel better, your home will look better and more organised. If you are thinking of moving home this spring, this can help you get organised so you know you won't be taking anything that you don't use into your new home!